Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Submission Successful

My only assignment for finals week this year was to write a Notebook entry for TE 402 describing how to teach Language Arts effectively. After 2 1/2 pages I was pretty satisfied with my paper, so I started the process of turning it in. We were to upload the file into a drop box on Angel. I saved and closed the document. I logged onto Angel, found the drop box, browsed for the file, uploaded it and clicked Finished. The message I received was Angel was "Submission Successful". The exact moment I read that message my stomach dropped to the floor, I instantly felt nauseous and my hands began to sweat - I had just completed my final requirement for my Undergraduate degree. I was absolutely blown away by this concept. Yes I knew graduation was coming up. Yes I knew that I would be student teaching next year. Yes I knew that I would be moving out of my current house. But No - I did not think a simple click of the mouse would cause me such intense and sudden feelings. And that my friends was my final moment of undergrad classes.

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