Monday, January 29, 2007

Blog Usage

I've spent the last week looking through various blogs and feel a bit more comfortable with the whole concept. Most of the blogs that I've read from my fellow classmates in CEP 416 discuss the possible uses of blogs in elementary classrooms and I'm beginning to realize what a great resource blogs could be in schools.
I would definitely like to implement blogs with my future students. I have always wanted to believe that I could keep a class website up to date for students and parents but I know that this would be a large task. Creating, updating and implementing websites seem to be quite time consuming tasks and for elementary educators time is not something that we have. I still plan on creating a website for my future class with various tools and information but I believe a blog would be a wonderful and easy way to write quick notes containing vital and up-to-date information for students and parents. I hope to have students create and use their own blogs as another way of communicating with their fellow classmates outside of class. I have always liked the idea of pen pals and I would love to connect with another elementary classroom (perhaps overseas) and create a online pen pal project. I believe that blogs and blog posting would be a great way for students to communicate with foreign elementary students.
The thought of using technology in my future classroom excites me, especially with all of the new tools and programs. I hope to pass that excitement on to my future students.

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